Serve 2
4 slices sourdough bread, buttered on one side
15ml (1 tablespoon) Stonebarn Truffle Mustard (Imported by The Truffle Lady SA)
30ml thick mayonnaise
4 slices beef pastrami
1 cup Swiss cheese, grated
Baby gherkins, to serve
Combine the Stonebarn Truffle Mustard and mayonnaise together. Spread onto the unbuttered side of two slices of sourdough.
Layer with pastrami, then grated cheese. Top with the second slice of sourdough and press down lightly.
Heat a heavy-based pan until hot. Place the sourdough, buttered side down, in the pan, turn the heat down to medium and cook until golden and crisp. Turn and cook until the cheese is melted and the bread, golden.
Serve with baby gherkins and potato crisps, if you like.